Thursday, February 9, 2012

Men vs. Women and Character Analysis

 Part One: Questions about Men vs. Women
  1. What is expected of men and women in America in 2012 that’s specific to gender? In America, even in the present day 2012, gender roles are still very evident in society. Men are still expected to pursue careers in the hands-on field, rather than jobs like interior design. In addition, men are still expected to ask women out on a date first or ask the woman to marry them. On the other hand, women are expected to raise a family. While many more women are becoming professional business people, many traditional families still look at women as homemakers and caretakers.
  2. How are men and women perceived in America in 2012 by the opposite sex? Often, I find that men are perceived as lazy, careless, and for a lack of a better word, stupid, by women. Women often underestimate what men can truly do without constant badgering from their wives/girlfriends/mothers. On the other hand, I feel that men often perceive women as their personal possessions, subject to whatever they want, whenever they want it. If women are strong and independent and successful, men often perceive them as bossy and intimidating and therefore less attractive.
  3. What are the difficulties/advantages of being a man or a woman in 2012? There are many difficulties and advantages to being a woman in 2012. Some of the difficulties of being a woman in this era is that you are always surrounded by women in the media that are picture-perfect. They are the right size and weight and very beautiful and it is often a very hard struggle to fit the mold of this type of woman. In addition, women are often still frowned upon in the professional world. Some men look down upon women who look to pursue careers in engineering, computer sciences, or criminal justice. However, there are also some advantages to being a woman. As a woman, teachers and elders treat me a lot better than they treat my male classmates. This is because boys and men are often told to never hit a woman and to respect a woman no matter what.
  4. What are some stereotypes associated with being a man or a woman in 2012? Some stereotypes of men in this era is that they are all players who take advantage of women and disrespect them. In addition, another stereotype of men is that they are all rough-and-tumble guys who feel no pain. Some stereotypes of women is that they are caddy and gossipers. Another is that they are always very girly and frilly. 
Part Two: Character Analysis
  • Based on what I know about Yolanda so far, she is a very love-struck, hurt, and grieving woman. She has left the love of her life, John, and had a very tough relationship with him because she was so timid, slow to love, and often had moments of insanity. She has also struggled with previous relationship in college with men who have treated her poorly. I feel that Yolanda would say that men take advantage of women, in accordance with her relationship with Rudy Elmenhurst. Rudy was only interested in Yolanda for a physical relationship, and was not interested in getting to know her for her personality. For this reason, I could see Yolanda saying that men are self-absorbed, cheaters, liars, and only out to please their physical needs.


  1. I would definitely agree with you that gender roles are very evident, even in 2012. I would say that it has evolved to a much better situation than how it was many years ago, but there are still gender stereotypes and misconceptions and assumptions about each gender. Based on how it has changed so much though, I would say that it will probably continue to move towards equality. For what you wrote for number two was kind of one extreme side of a negative stereotype for men though. I would not really say that most men are perceived as that. I might agree for some of it but I wouldn't say men are that oppressive towards women. I think that that idea is really portrayed through media and thats why some people believe that.

  2. I never thought about the different jobs that can be catorgerized by gender that is a very good point. I definitely agree with your idea that women are thought of as bossy if they are independent or sucsessfull without a mans help. Another topic i didn't think of was the challenge of seeing women who are perfect on tv and having to live up to that expectation. I didn't really think about how Yolanda has been hurt and how that would affect her. I mentioned how when she was in America how her perseption of male vs female opinion may have altered. You made allot of great points I dont disagree with any of your ideas.

  3. I agree with you on several points that you have made. I agree with you on the specific types of jobs men and women normally pursue. I also agree with what you had to say on the stereotypes that have been basically the same over the course of our history. They have been the same for the most part. Men being "tough guys" and try to be aggressive, while women are always showing their feminine side and being too girly. Something i wasn't too sure about was when you mentioned that girls get better treatment than guys because they are told not to hit girls. I agree with the first statement, which was that girls receive better treatment for the most part. But, i don't necessarily think it's because guys are told to not hit girls, which obviously they shouldn't do, but more because girls are glued to the stereotype of being very delicate and sensitive.
