Thursday, March 8, 2012

Art Review

A piece of artwork that I have thoroughly enjoyed recently is "Unthinkable" by Alicia Keys. The lyrics to this song can be seen here: .The song was released in 2010, but I really stumbled upon this song on my Pandora account the other day. I really like this song because I am really interested in the R/B, hip-hop, and rap genre of music. This song has a really good beat and bass to it, which makes it very easy to enjoy. Additionally, the lyrics talk about wanting to go out on a limb and experience something out of her comfort zone. As a teenage girl, I feel that lots of others, including myself, can related to this topic very much. This song is not the only one that Alicia Keys sings that I enjoying listening to. She has several other catchy chart-toppers, including "Fallin", "If I Ain't Got You", and "Empire State of Mind" ft. Jay Z. I think that I have so much appreciation for Alicia Keys because she came from a single family home and worked her way to success by the age of 16. In addition, she was also very academically oriented in school and even graduated as valedictorian of her class. I admire this because she truly displays that she is a smart, talented and driven woman who stopped at nothing to achieve her goals. Her talent is not debatable, she reaches highs and lows in her voice that many others struggle to, and can transition from R/B, like in the song "Unthinkable", to rap, like in the song "Empire State of Mind". I feel that others will be able to enjoy and relate to Alicia Keys' music as well. Each song has powerful and impacting lyrics that are ambiguous and can often have many different interpretations. In short, I really like the song "Unthinkable" by Alicia Keys and strongly recommend this song, and many others of hers, to anyone who enjoys music in that genre.


  1. I know exactly what song your talking about! Although I don't really love R/B, hip-hop, and rap genre music so much, I do know that song because of how popular it was. I agree that it has a good beat and that Alicia Keys, overall, is a very talented musician. Her other songs have made her very famous and I think that her talent is very unique and that makes her a very good artist of our time.

    1. I like Empire state of mind also because I also like Jay Z.

  2. I have never heard of this song before but I am a fan of Alicia Keys!I really feel that going out on a limb is a big aspect of being a teenage. I feel you wont grow without experiencing things that you are not comfortable with. I never knew that Alicia Keys came from a single family home. I feel that it made her more independent which is a great thing to be when you are a woman.I had no idea that she was valedicorian of her class. That is a huge aspect of her life that you never hear about.

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